Geek Quiz

I've just made one Geek Quiz. Glad to hear - I'm not so geek. ;)

59% Geek

New results from 2008-12-06 :)

66% Geek

Created by OnePlusYou - Free Dating Site


The truth is: Hmmm... I don't like chemic.
"I don't like chemic." - Just to clear out: I can say a lot of bad things about chemic instead of "I don't like". :)
I have studied it in elementary and in secondary school. Chemic was my nightmare.
Today I'm wanted to find some useful(free&linux) application about it,to my friend. After a quick search of the openSuse repositories somewhere in "Education" finally I found: Kalzium.

This program rocks. I'm browsed these molecular somethings for 30 minutes. I'm solved some functions (randomly of course), built some models, explored boiling/freezing point, etc. You can make even a 3D Rendering of molecular model. :0

If you have some experience in chemic you must to try it! It's amazing.

You can read more/download Kalzium from KDE - Education portal.
BTW visit the Education portal, maybe you can find something useful about other sciences.

openSuse Promo DVD rocks!

Yesterday I've got my openSuse 11.0 promo DVD-s!
- The DVD cover rocks! -
They are with booth KDE and Gnome Desktop Environments. You can use them as Live DVD (without install - you can try out the system directly from your PC's memory), and you can install it.
You can order from Live DVDs here.

ACPI problem solved

Finally, my ACPI problem has been solved by an openSuse Guru on
You can read our discussion about here. I've got 181 views until now :)
So, running from battery is amazing thing, especially in my situation. I'm not used my ACPI functions (like battery, CPU frequencies) after openSuse 10.3 release (about >1 years years).

The Future of Video Games

Face recognition, high-quality animations - The End of Real Actors?!

For the full story visit this link:

Blue Screen of Death in Beijing - poor micro$oft

Beijing has decided to us "some stable" environment for the Olympics Games.
Yeah, of course, the winner is : micro$oft. As they said:

"Reports from China suggest that Microsoft's Silverlight is delivering exceptional streaming video for NBC's Olympic coverage. "

"The Olympics decided to use XP instead of Vista because it's more stable."

"Unfortunately, Microsoft also had the shame of the Blue Screen of Death afflict the opening ceremonies, with the BSoD up on the big screen for more than two hours during the ceremony."

Here is the link for the international tragedy. ROTFL.

I Feel Good...

The picture was taken on Sunday. Time for relaxing, and for Party! Linux, Java, Math, Beer, Coffee, Cookies.
I Feel Good...


Nowadays Linux distributions are coming with a built in and precompiled kernel. They are: making the connection between your hardware and software, controlling softwares and resources on your PC/Laptop, they doing everything what is must-to-be for your system.
They have some positive and negative side-effects.
Generally the Linux "newbies" are happy with the precompiled kernel - no command line, no work, everything is up and running automatically. Nice! And you save a lot of time. But! You can compile kernel for your own requirements.
Positive side-effects of the own compiled kernel are:
  • it may works faster then the precompiled
  • you can save a lot of memory by unloading processes what you don't need
  • you are getting complete control of your system
  • it is cool
Actually there are no negative side-effects, just some requirements. You need to know how to work under command line, how to compile, etc.
So i don't want to waste your time, here is the link for the best/easiest kernel compiling how-to what I ever read.
It has been written by
How to compile your own Linux kernel for openSUSE.

The realy _first_ post

Hi there!
Lets get started with (b)logging. :)
You can read some things about me and my interests on the sidebar now. :)
The most important areas will be:
  • open-source development
  • open-source platforms
  • web development
If you are interested, visit again my blog, comment.. If you have some experience in Java visit my project: yami. Yeah, it is fully open-source! :) , and of course if you want to join to the project, do it, contact to me!
So, that was my first post, I hope it look so good in Blogger :).